Friday, October 3, 2008

A Piece In Progress

Rough Copy of a Story

"I woke up with the worst case of cramps. Went to the bathroom and low and behold… aunt flow. I went back to bed and turned on the boobtube to watch Martha Stewart with Duke. It started to rain so I decided to lay in bed for a little longer, I watched a soup opera. The rain got heavy and I looked outside to see that the rain spout wasn’t attached to the house… so I ran outside in my pajamas with my umbrella and put it on. Our basement floods. When I got back inside it started raining even harder along with strong winds, looked like a hurricane outside.

Lunch time came around so I made some veg dip and ate it up with stale crackers. Followed by applesauce, almond french vanilla granola. The sun finally came out… and stayed out. Packed up my backpack and went to the bank. Eric and Nicolai were sitting outside when I left the house. Damn wind almost knocked me off my bike and I ended up having to ride through a huge puddle, about 5 inches deep, came up to my pedals. Saw my cousin-in-law at the bank. Almost left without my money.

When I got home Eric and Nicolai were packing up the van for there show in Appleton. Went to my room to cool off. ¾ of the band were talking in living room. Nicolai doing scissor kicks in the living room yelling “are you guys ready?!” imitating a front man from another band. Later went into the kitchen for food where the guys were talking about random stuff. Eric pointed at Nicolai’s shirt “That brain is way too big for that skull”… Nicolai in response. “That’s why its Bad Brains…” motions hand to head, “fuck this brain!” The band turned into a whole and left for there show.

Put on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, ate a nectarine. Watched 15 minutes then headed over to my parents house to hang out. Watched Political Discussions and ate some ramen salad with my dad. Uncle Tom, Aunt Becky and Aidan stopped by. Aidan bounced off the walls and played with Duke. Me and Duke walked home. The house was empty and extremely warm when we got back. Finished up Indiana. During, Duke spotted someone on our back porch and started barking like crazy. I went to the back door and found nothing but a stop sign post laying on the porch. Damn kids. Afterward put in James and the Giant peach… and some kids from down the street attempted to pull a kid on skis with a bike."

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